Bus service, water supplies and where to spend a penny

Ardentinny’s Community Council’s bi-monthly meeting held on 5th April, 2011 had a packed and sometimes contentious agenda. There were a few surprises included in the meeting, not least the report by Councillor Bruce Marshall that the 485 bus service would no longer go to and from Sligrachan except for the morning and evening school runs. The Community Council agreed to write expressing disappointment and challenging the decision on behalf of the residents of the glen. There was a suggestion that Sligrachan might become a request stop. Councillor Marshall said he would ask but that the move had been made in order to make necessary savings on a very under-used route.

Somewhat predictably, there was expressed consternation at the demolition of the Long Hut by Forestry Commission Scotland without prior consultation with or warning to the community. To exacerbate matters, said demolition also crushed a water pipe and consequently cut off the water supply to the bowling green. FCS’ Forest District Manager, Gordon Donaldson explained that the Long Hut was theirs to retain or otherwise as they saw fit and that, once a previous suspicion of a presence of asbestos in the building had been eliminated, instructions were given to demolish it. He counteracted the question as to why it was not sold to interested individuals in the village by saying that this was not possible as it was in the ‘Pink Zone’ and therefore the MOD would not permit its sale to private individuals. On the question of the water supply to the bowling green, he expressed his regret that this had happened and that, in the short term at least, FCS was working with the Bowling Green in an attempt to restore a supply.

The other major concern addressed by Mr. Donaldson was the closure of the public toilets at the beach area. Apparently, during an inspection of the water tanks serving the toilets, the presence of Legionellosis was discovered. As this was considered to be a major health risk, the tanks had to be purged. He said that there is now the possibility of ensuring water safety with the use of chlorine tablets but that the tanks are on their last legs and need to come down. He said the costs of either tank replacement or going on to mains water are prohibitive and, as FCS is not obliged to provide public toilets, it is likely that they will remain closed.

Other items included a decision to invite a representative of the MOD to attend Community Council meetings and the Chair reported that the Fire and Safety Officer would attend in August.

Given the recent police raid in the village, some of those present expressed disappointment that there was no police report or apology from the police for not attending the meeting. There was also no secretary’s report, as apparently there had been no correspondence. The Treasurer’s end of year report concluded that the year’s expenditure came to £547.05, while income was £300.00, leaving a balance of £1,769.54. This makes Ardentinny Community Council relatively well-off, certainly in terms of The Shore Community Councils.

Details of the meeting’s discussion will be available in the Meeting Minutes when they are published.

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