Friendship Holidays Association – Glenfinart House 1956

Glenfinart House 1956 - Extract from "Friendship Holidays Association" summer brochure (click image to enlarge).

A fascinating glimpse of Glenfinart House, Ardentinny some 57 years ago with this extract from the “Friendship Holidays Association” 1956 summer brochure.  A forerunner to the package holidays of the 60’s, at just £7 per week (roughly £136 at today’s prices) guests could enjoy full board (shared) accommodation  beginning with high tea on the Saturday evening to breakfast a week later. Single rooms could be arranged for an extra 1/6 per night (seven and a half pence in “new money”) and it would appear that alcohol or rather “intoxicants” as is stated in the brochure, were frowned upon as none were permitted in the guest rooms or on excursions!

The village and the surrounding area appeared to offer an amazing range of leisure activities including coach trips; walking; steamer excursions; bathing; dancing; table-tennis; boating and croquet! Optional excursions were available for an extra 45/- (£2.25) per week.

The brochure was kindly provided to us by Tony Harrison whose late mother’s uncle was the founder of the Friendship Holiday Association.

Do you have any memories of Glenfinart House or the Friendship Association? If so please let us know or use the comment box below.

You can view the complete Friendship Holiday brochure here (PDF 2.8mb).

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Roddy Oliphant of Oliphant, yr.
4 years ago

Has anyone ever seen a picture of the previous house which was standing at the location where Glenfinart House was built?