Warning to dog owners of poisonous plant on Ardentinny beach (updated)


We’ve received a report of a very poisonous plant which has appeared along the high tide mark on Ardentinny Beach (between Coronation Wood and River Finart estuary). The plant is starting to root in the vegetation. A labrador was reportedly sick from eating the plant last Sunday.

We understand that the plant is poisonous to dogs and humans recovery center. It smells and tastes like parsnips. If anyone can identify the plant from the photograph, please let us know .

Please take care when walking your dogs in the beach area.

Update 28 Jan, 23.36: We’ve been informed that the plant is Hemlock Water Dropwort, thought to be the deadliest plant in Britain. A dog in Helensburgh who ate the plant last January died within 20 minutes.

More information:
Poisonous plant warning to dog owners [Scottish Farmer]

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Iain mceachran
10 years ago

Sea Parsnip….poisonous to dogs & humans. Storms have washed them up onto the strand- line.
Item appeared on Inverclyde Now website.