Changes at Community Council and Renewables Trust

Ardentinny Community Council Ardentinny Community Council and Ardentinny Renewable Trust both held their Annual General Meetings recently. Changes to the community council committee included long-serving member Marian Norris who stepped down from her Secretary role and new members Claire Florence and Mark Rowthorn who were co-opted on to the committee. Draft Minutes of the meeting …

Ardentinny Renewables Trust (ART) – Increased Income Benefitting our Community.

With two additional hydro schemes in operation, the village now benefits from the extra income they provide. This is topped up by supplementary income streams from technical support provision and Amazon Smile. Full details of ART’s revenue and expenditure are provided in Trust Chair, Dougie Menzies’ Mid 2021 Newsletter (below). Requests for funding local projects …

Ardentinny’s gift

We may lament the Argyll rain but it, along with Ardentinny’s particular topography, provide the perfect constituents for the efficient production of hydro electricity. So much so that the village now has 3 schemes in operation with another about to come online. These, while making a significant contribution to Scotland’s renewable energy output, also make …