Osprey spotted over Loch Long

Bowlers at Ardentinny Bowling Club were entertained earlier this week with the sight of a diving Osprey over Loch Long.

Fortunately Cowal visitor Cliff Carson (who was on the look-out for otters in the area) had his camera on hand and captured these excellent images of the osprey swoop. However, the dive was unsuccessful with the bird failing to catch its underwater prey.

If anyone is aware of any otter sightings in the Ardentinny area, please let us know and we will pass it on to Cliff.


The Osprey dive


Completely submerged


Departs upstream empty-clawed


Images courtesy Cliff Carson.

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9 years ago

It was probably one of the four birds that have been seen in Loch Eck area this year

Jim Robinson
9 years ago

What a scoop Great set of photographs . No Otters unfortunately. But no surprise there Cliff I’ve stayed here since 1968
And I’ve only spotted two and that was about 30yrs ago. Both in the river Finart at different times.
That’s not to say they’re not there though, but I’ve never noticed any signs of them either. There’s still the odd mink in the area, usually once the fish start running later in the year.