As the tragedy in the Middle East continues, a silent vigil has been held outside Dunoon Burgh Hall to highlight the death of six-year-old Palestinian girl Hind Rajab. The child who had been missing in Gaza for 12 days after an Israeli tank targeted the family car, killing her six relatives, had initially survived the ordeal and was able to make a call for help. An ambulance was despatched to rescue the little girl, however this was also targeted at the scene, with both crew members killed.
For the past 2 weeks, Ardentinny resident Bill Williamson has been holding his vigil outside Dunoon’s Burgh Hall to highlight the death of the 6-year-old and her family. Bill said “There is a huge tragedy happening before our eyes in Gaza with over 30,000 innocent people dead, this devastation would equate to wiping out more than the whole population of Cowal. To some, this may seem like just another ‘foreign war’ that has nothing to do with them, however on the contrary, there are a number of companies in Scotland that are participating in the manufacture of arms components used against the innocent women and children of Gaza and being subsidised by our governments. This is not acceptable”.
Bill intends to continue with his vigil over the coming weeks.