Mysterious Coulport bangs explained

This afternoon villagers may have heard a series of loud bangs emanating from the direction of Coulport. On enquiring with the MOD Press Office sellmyhousefast, a spokesperson told that there was nothing to worry about and that Coulport had confirmed it was testing security which involved the setting off of some things like pyrotechnics.

HMS Dauntless passes Coulport earlier today
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J Robinson
10 years ago

Unbelievable. PYROTECHNICS !! that might describe the flares that were fired of further up the loch the other night But it comes nowhere near to describing or explaining the explosions that are currently shaking every window in Ardentinny. They are every bit as bad if not worse than the ones we had to suffer day in day out when they were constructing the place. So don’t insult our intelligence by describing them as pyrotechnics as if they were on a par with fireworks .