More Police Patrols; Forestry Commission News; Community Support and a Conservation Area?

These were just some of the topics for discussion at Ardentinny Community Council’s meeting on 7 June 2011.

Increased Police Patrols
According to the Police Report, police patrols have trebled in the area compared to this time last year. They are also trying to have Ardentinny included in the ‘Operation Ironworks‘ scheme which currently covers Loch Lomond and Lochgoilhead. The rationale for this is that there is overspill from Loch Lomond to Ardentinny Beach since camping restrictions were introduced in the Loch Lomond area. The Community Council will write to the National Park stating the case for the need for increased security in the area during the summer months.

Forestry Commission activity
The Forestry Commission representative reported that the beach toilets had reopened and that the overground water pipe, which supplies the bowling club, would soon be buried. There are plans to erect a fence between the caravan site and the nursery field; to cut the beech hedge and spray for Japanese knotweed and to carry out a long-term programme of cutting and spraying the rhododendron. Stands for the bins at the beach are expected soon and the field next to Loch Views is about to be leased out for grazing, on a temporary basis. Finally, the local office has a new member of staff, i.e., Rebecca Smith, whose main responsibility will be supervising conservation.

Community Support
Given the problems some residents experienced by being cut off by snow and ice last winter, Community Councillor Jimmy Gordon offered to post a notice on the village board and also to survey the potentially vulnerable to see if they would like their details included in a confidential database whereby they would be contacted and offered assistance, should a similar problem arise in the future.

Conservation Areas in Ardentinny
In the Community Council’s response to the National Park on the proposal to build affordable housing in the field next to Loch Views, they mentioned the possibility of some parts of Ardentinny becoming designated conservation areas. It seems that The Reporter has picked up on this issue and has asked for further information. It was decided that the Community Council should first access a list of what buildings are already listed in the village and then re-visit the discussion on this issue at the next Community Council meeting.

The Treasurer reported a bank balance of £2069.54 as at 30 May 2011 and, as was reported at the previous meeting, there had been no correspondence and therefore there was no secretary’s report. It was stated that the Trust is still looking for someone to fill the post of secretary and that they would advertise on the village notice board.

Other topics covered were the worsening state of the roads- residents were urged to phone the call centre to report potholes; an invitation to respond to the survey on the future of Cowal Hospice; deteriorating village signage; the Carrick Castle walk and the possibility of a village hydro-electric power scheme. All of which will no doubt be covered in detail in the meeting minutes when they are issued.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 2 August at 7.30. p.m.

Related: Ardentinny Community Council meeting minutes 05/04/11

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