Glenfinart Walled Garden receives Awards for All and Highlands and Islands Enterprise grants

Ardentinny Community Trust Ltd. is delighted to be able to announce the receipt of crucial funding for the community purchase of Glenfinart Walled Garden under the National Forest Land Scheme. The Big Lottery’s Awards for All scheme has granted £8,000 while Highlands and Islands Enterprise has granted the remaining £2,000 towards the total purchase price of £10,000. Conveyancing has already begun, the cost of which, in large part, was also covered by Highlands and Islands Enterprise funding from a previous grant.

The Trust has also raised an additional £6,500 through local fund raising and donations and would like to thank Awards for All, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and local residents and friends of the walled garden for their support. Trust Convener, Dennis Gower, said ‘This is great news for a very small village which has lost many of its community facilities over the years and can now look forward to the restoration of a beautiful piece of Argyll’s heritage’.

Glenfinart Walled Garden

Buying the garden is just the beginning. There are further grant applications in process and local fund raising will continue alongside additional community and expert consultation in order to facilitate the further progress of this inspiring and pivotal village project. If you would like to know more or become involved, please contact the Trust via email or Facebook page.

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