Glenfinart Walled Garden and revival of Ardentinny Community Trust

Given the overwhelming village support for the community purchase of Glenfinart Walled Garden, the Community Council, in conjunction with the Forestry Commission, instructed the District Valuer to value the property. A Valuation of £10.000 was received on the 29th June, 2010.

As the Community Council is not empowered to raise funds, it has been necessary to revive Ardentinny Community Trust in order to access grant funding for the purchase, fund-raising, renovation and future management of this community project. Previous membership has now lapsed but it is hoped that residents might consider becoming members and helping the community take this exciting project forward. The revived Trust is holding an EGM at 2.30pm on Sunday 25th July at Glenfinart Hall, Ardentinny to which all are welcome.

Further information on the Community Survey results are available here.

A fascinating historical map from 1882 showing the walled garden can be viewed here.

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13 years ago

I understand that an application to buy has already been submitted, and a 28 day period of open consultation on the FCS website is about to commence in which anyone can view the application and ask questions. In order to make a fair appraisal I think the minutes of the EGM several weeks ago should be available to view at the earliest date, or indeed, an opportunity to hear the audio recording I am told was made.

13 years ago

Can we see the minutes of the meeting on the website please….?