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10 years ago

The MOD doesn’t give a monkeys about any of the communities around that base. Lets just all deal with the reality of the situation and accept that as long as we are tied within the UK, we will be used as a ‘safe’ place to store their horrendous weapons of mass destruction, and dump their nuclear waste wherever they please in our beautiful waters.

Come on folks, you can’t create dialogue with these people. They are inherintly arrogant to civilian life, don’t kid yourselves.

Anna Williamsonarden
10 years ago

I was at the meeting where it was asked for the M.O.D to come and answer questions. The chair said she would do it. The 2 councilors who were present said that if they would not come for her then they would be happy to ensure that they came. This whole thing is a farce. This community council is one in name only if they do not act on community wishes.

10 years ago

Quite unacceptable. As I understand it, a demand was made (not a “suggestion”) by the residents to meet with the mod. Is our community council not listening? Why will the mod not meet us face to face? Can the chairperson clarify if she is looking after the interests of Ardentinny or the ministry of defence? It would appear to be tha latter. We really do not need the chair to put our questions to the mod, I think we are all quite capable of doing this ourselves at a public meeting.