Walled Garden season culminates with Harvest Fair

Glenfinart Walled Garden's open season culminated in a successful Harvest Fair on Saturday. Despite an overcast start, the weather was kind and a piper opened proceedings which heralded in a steady stream of visitors throughout the day. Over and above the impressive garden setting, there was much on offer. The Food Tasting marquee provided delicious …

Ardentinny artist puts his stamp on historic referendum campaign

Local artist Bill Williamson
Accomplished ceramicist, community councillor and care worker, Bill Williamson wears many hats. A lifelong campaigner for the rights of others, Bill considers the Westminster system is broken. "Working three days a week as a carer, I have seen first hand the effects of the cuts that are being experienced by vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in …

Village Project Fund

At the August Community Council meeting it was learned that there now exists a new village project fund. Apparently a financial contribution came from Storie Argyll Ltd in compensation for the damage caused to Coronation Wood  while the company was clearing the beach access on behalf of Scottish Water. It is intended to use the funds for …