Beechgrove Event and Open Garden 23rd – 25th June

Ardentinny Community Trust is pleased to present a wonderful range of weekend events for fans of both the BBC's long running 'Beechgrove Programmme’, Ardentinny Walled Garden and Andy McClintock’s amazing garden in Strone. Events commence on Friday 23rd June, at Younger Memorial Hall at Kilmun, open 7p.m. for 7.30pm, with a showing of the BBC’s …

Easter Fun Day 2017

Despite gloomy conditions, Ardentinny Community Trust's first Easter Fun Day at Glenfinart Walled Garden was a great success with lots to do including an Easter egg hunt, egg painting, Easter bonnet parade, egg and spoon race, flower pot ping-pong, coconut shy and as usual a superb selection of home baking. Not to be left out …