Ardentinny Bowling Club Kids Halloween Party 2019

Keeping some very excited kids, dressed in a variety of Halloween costumes, off Ardentinny Bowling Club's immaculate green at their party last weekend kept organisers Maryjane, Linda, Nicola, Caroline and Michele on their toes. A great afternoon was had by all the kids who enjoyed dookin' for apples and all the usual spooky games. Now …

Ardentinny Bowling Club – 2019 Trophy Presentation

President Dougie Menzies welcomed everybody to the trophy presentation  and official closing of the green for the 2019 season at Ardentinny Bowling Club, last Wednesday. Afternoon tea was provided by the members and before the presentation Dougie thanked everybody who helped throughout the season especially at the gent’s and ladies days. Also, our sponsors, Jim …

Volunteers needed for Ardentinny Community Emergency Plan

At the September Community Council (CC) meeting, CC Secretary, Captain Alistair McLundie reported on the state of readiness of the community emergency plan. The current content has all the key points as indicated in the Argyll and Bute Council’s template but cannot be progressed further without volunteers. There are a lot of people required to …