Community Council emergency action plan & general advice

The following has been received from Ardentinny Community Council: Ardentinny Community Council Emergency Action Plan and General Advice As you are no doubt aware the coronavirus outbreak will affect everyone at some point within the village, the current advice as per the NHS Scotland website is as follows: If you've developed a continuous cough …

Ardentinny Community Council Emergency Action Plan call for volunteers

Received from Ardentinny Community Council: As you are no doubt aware the coronavirus outbreak is starting to affect everyone in the Ardentinny community council area with this in mind the community council is in the process of creating a plan within which those most at risk or those with symptoms who are self-isolating can get …

Does Ardentinny want more nuclear waste on its doorstep?

The UK government intends to increase the number of nuclear submarines on the Clyde; is currently building a nuclear support hub to centralise its radioactive waste handling facilities and radiochemistry laboratories at Faslane; and plans to undertake submarine maintenance work at Coulport resulting in an increase of waste discharges of up to 50%. Consequently the …