FLS reveals plan to create two Ardentinny campsites (updated 31 March)

In a letter to Ardentinny Community Council, Stuart Chalmers of Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) outlined plans to seek planning permission to ’temporarily formalise’ the use of the area as a campsite. The proposal would be to create a campsite at the beach (Glenfinart Bay) and a second in the ’nursery field’ (a field west of …

Ardentinny’s gift

We may lament the Argyll rain but it, along with Ardentinny’s particular topography, provide the perfect constituents for the efficient production of hydro electricity. So much so that the village now has 3 schemes in operation with another about to come online. These, while making a significant contribution to Scotland’s renewable energy output, also make …

The Ardentinny Archives: Dec 2007 – Pay to Go Carols

15 December, 2007. On Saturday the 15th December 2007, a hardy group of carol choristers braved the cold night air and entertained many of Ardentinny's residents with festive song. The group, organised by the Village Hall Committee, had humbly assumed that their contributions might be less than welcome and so decided that their policy would …