All good news at Ardentinny Community Council meeting

At the Community Council meeting held on 7 June, 2012, there was a refreshing breeze of good news all round.

Policing of picnic area
First, PC Donald Mackay reported positive results from their increased patrols at the picnic area, and indeed letters of thanks to the force had been received in recognition of that achievement. There was also the confirmation that Ardentinny would receive an additional 15 hours dedicated patrols under the Ironworks scheme whereby a member of the force plus a Ranger would police the area at the weekends. This will commence 22 June.

Coronation Wood
It was agreed that a joint committee comprising a member from the Community Council, Community Trust, and Hall Association would take forward a plan to  renovate Coronation Wood. This would be funded, in part, by the Village Hall in addition to possible grant funding.

 Actual Reality in negotiations to buy Ardentinny Outdoor Centre
Centre Manager, Aidan Docherty outlined plans to celebrate Ardentinny Outdoor Centre’s 40th anniversary and intimated that Actual Reality is in negotiations with Argyll and Bute Council in order to buy the Outdoor Centre in Ardentinny. He stressed their commitment to the local community saying that this should secure 37 full-time jobs and outlined various activities, such as Community Open Days and collaboration with the Walled Garden project.

Proportional Representation
Newly elected Councillor Gordon Blair attended the meeting and took on board various issues of community concern and promised to look into and feed back on these. He said he would feed back to the Community Council secretary and to the two other Cowal councillors. He also said that he was meeting with the other Cowal Ward councillors to try and agree a rota system of attending community council meetings within the ward. He said we now have proportional representation and  therefore it’s  not a question of just concentrating on Colintraive or Lochgoilhead but more a joined up notion of working together and that he would do his bit to make sure that works.

Not quite all good news
It was announced that Community Councillors Teresa Forsyth and Jimmy Gordon had tendered their resignations. All community councillors work voluntarily on behalf of their community and the loss of two of their number is regrettable. Thanks go to Teresa and Jimmy for their invaluable contributions.

The next Community Council meeting and AGM will be held on Tuesday 7 August at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

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12 years ago

Interesting re the possible Actual Reality acquisition. Anyone know how this would affect the use of the jetty for others? Is it Council owned?