Community Councillors Wanted

It was a depleted committee which attended the August Community Council meeting with 3 members absent from a community council which is already short of a secretary and one other member. was asked to report these vacancies in the hope that some community-spirited residents might come forward to fill the gaps.

Nevertheless, it was an informative meeting. There was no correspondence or Police report for consideration and the Treasurer reported no movement in the CC’s bank account which stood at £2069.54 on 20.7.2011.

New signage for Ardentinny?

Councillor Bruce Marshall reported that he had achieved the agreement of the relevant department to replace the two Ardentinny road signs at either end of the village. He also reported that the Jet Patcher, of which there are only two in Argyll, had been patching the village potholes on the day of the meeting, i.e., 2 August, 2011.

Jessie Crowe of Forestry Commission Scotland gave her report:
The proposed fence at the nursery field has been held up by work being done at the camp site. Once the latter is complete, the fencing will go ahead. There have been problems with the hedge-cutting machine which has also caused delays elsewhere. The riverside path has been cleared and the work on the Stronvochlan road is ongoing.

The addition of two more litter bins at the beach area is judged to have been about 90% successful in encouraging users to properly dispose of their litter. However, there is still a significant problem of damage to trees in the pursuit of firewood.FCS will prosecute the culprits, if caught.

36 police hours have been obtained from Operation Ironworks and so there will be patrols taking place in the area. The blue water pipe supplying water to the bowling club has been buried and, while the water system requires a fourth filter, the supply is on.

Forest Holidays had visited the Nursery Field with a view to using it as one of their sites. However, they have decided against this due to the nature of the approach roads.

Rhododendron cutting and burning near Ardentinny

The rhododendron cutting programme is underway and it has been judged that the bridge on the Carrick route does not need a rail installed. This concluded the FCS report and this, now regular, attendance by a representative of the FCS is very positive in that it provides information to the public which might not otherwise be so readily accessible.

The use of hydro power as an energy source for the village was discussed and the Community Council is looking for someone to take this project forward.

The necessity for signs warning of steep bends and an approach to a main road + the danger of ice over the Larach elicited lively discussion. Ultimately it was agreed that Councillor Marshall would request said signs and that the Convenor would write to the Director of Transport conveying the community’s concern re the matter.

Invited speaker Colin McColl of Strathclyde Fire & Rescue addressed the question of the use of fireworks near animals. He stated clearly that there is no legislation applicable to this situation but what is required is common sense. He went on to say that animals should be kept away from fireworks and fireworks away from animals and that the Royal
Veterinary College recommends notice of fireworks should be at least half a day but there is no law to stipulate this and it is simply common sense. Community Councillor Steven Johnstone asked about the regulations regarding camp fires. Colin McColl responded by saying that the law states that there should be no bonfires, and therefore, camp fires lit between 7 p.m. and 8 a.m.

Another question was raised about the issue of Chinese lanterns. It was cited that it had been the discussion on the BBC’s One Show that evening which had highlighted the problems they could cause, from house fire to injury to livestock. Colin responded that they were a significant risk but that again it was down to common sense.

Other items discussed included the National Park’s withdrawal of the housing allocation for the village in the Local Plan and the question of aerial spraying and whether or not it is the responsibility of the Community Council to inform residents in advance of this taking place. There was disagreement among the committee on this issue and it was tabled for discussion at the next Community Council meeting which will take place on 4 October at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

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