Walled garden improves accessibility with successful funding bid

Ardentinny Community Trust’s Glenfinart Walled Garden was one of the recent recipients of £3000 generated by Ardentinny’s share of the 3 local hydro schemes. The funding award was to upgrade the paths within the walled garden to improve accessibility for wheelchair users and those using walking aids.

Hydro funds are administered by Ardentinny Renewables Trust (ART) to fund local community projects. The latest contribution from the Hydrover hydro project for the past 12 months was £6008.

In addition to the garden funding, £500 was approved for the car park toilets as well as £100 towards a village day held in the hall. Funds currently available for local community projects are £15,200.

Ardentinny Renewable Trust welcomes requests for funding for any project which will benefit the community. Membership of the Trust is free and any member can submit a funding application.

Ardentinny Renewables Trust – End of 2021 Newsletter.

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