We’re indebted to Jim Robinson who has been rummaging through his photo album and has come up with these gems from probably the 1980’s.
They are possibly of the Ardentinny School sports day held in the ‘football field’ behind the Swedish Houses. If you have any recollection of when this took place or who is in the photographs, please comment below or let us know at bettingmafia.com.
Click image to enlarge.

Thanks for the post Sarah. I’ve updated the video date.
Hi these are great! Does anyone have a nice photo of the primary school from the 80s?
Also the Save Ardentinny school video was 1987 not 1992. I am in it age 8 in primary 4.
It’s somewhere between 1981 and 84
There’s Angela smith and Fiona Lilly .
Possibly me..
I have vague memories of sports days held in the field across the road from Angle Cottage (late 60s/early 70s). Anyone know any more or have pictures from then?
Thanks Jim for the photos, what a happy time it looks.Does anyone recognise themselves ?